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Clickable Image

Author: Prof. Mrs. V. S.Patil (Dept. of Electronics and Tele-Communication)

The opportunity to explore with e-Learning information while expanding knowledge is provided by active learning. In an organized and successful teaching-learning process, student participation incorporates peers, instructors, and course material. The active learning methods ought to improve the ability to think critically and make decisions. The key to a high-quality education is the teacher-student exchange of lecture material. In addition to strengthening attention, interactive lecturing promotes active learning. Live feedback also increases satisfaction on both ends at the same time..

I would be pleased to introduce you to Clickable_image, an active learning technique. This technique is used at T.Y. B. Tech. E & TC (Control Systems – Elective course). This methodology was selected for a number of reasons, including:

  • To upraise focused learning through student’s engagement
  • To joyfully preserve the intended learning

The method is intended to improve the course outcome and rectify the deficit in CO attainments.
The specific steps, for student engagement and results for the methodology used are given below:

A. Technique:

One of the features offered by the platform is the clickable image. A faculty member must post the pertinent image they have chosen for their response after the topic has been presented. Students must click in the exact spot on the image to indicate the right answer in response to the question. For courses those includes block diagrams, graphs and structural representation, this exercise can be helpful.

There are two types of control systems covered in the Control Systems course: open loop systems and closed loop systems. Control systems also include many graphs. It is necessary for students to retain the purpose of every block in addition to learning the specific area of each plot.

Following a block diagram explanation, we can get comments from the audience regarding their comprehension of the purpose of each block or the location of any plot region.

The basic concept is as follows:

  • Login Poll Everywhere ( )
  • Click “Activity” button
  • Go with the option “Clickable Image”
  • Provide the question as input in Title section
  • Either upload the image of relevant study Or choose from the templates given
  • Press “Create” to complete poll question
  • Press “Activate” option on right top corner to run the poll
  • Education usage
  • Use a range of activities to visualize student response in real time in order to track engagement, identify next steps, and investigate feedback
  • Use specific exercises to record attendance, administer tests, and determine how well students understand the concepts being taught.

Identify the intersecting angle of the root locus plot. A faculty member prepares a Clickable_image inquiry in the context of delivering a lesson. The responses from the students are displayed in Fig. 1

Fig. 1 Response of Students for Clickable_Image

Response of Students for Clickable_Image

It is possible to examine students’ replies to the images in order to assess their accuracy and comprehension.

B. Implementation details:

This activity is planned for the following points:

  • Open loop_Closed loop system
    • Feed-forward gain
    • Time-domain analysis of 2nd order system
    • Root locus
    • Bode plot

Based on the content of delivery, a unique Clickable_image is generated for each of the lectures mentioned above. Fig. shows one that was developed for a lecture, titled “Feed-forward Gain “

Responses of “Feed-forward Gain” using Clickable_image

The activity has aided in maintaining the students focused attention in the lively classrooms with an involved delivery theme. Students have benefited from this task by understanding the fundamentals by correctly identifying and responding to the provided image using a Poll Everywhere login.

C. Outcomes:

The summary of the results is:

  • Tangible outcomes:

A hand raise based survey was collected, and its results were examined to see the reduction in the boredom period. Three distinct questions were used to record the input, with 1 representing Strongly Agree and 5 representing Strongly Disagree on a scale of 1 to 5:

  • How well the activity creates joy of learning
  • How well it is effective to understand the concepts
  • The activity has helped to create interest in subject

Analysis for responses are stated in Fig. below.

Comparative Analysis of Responses for Q.1
Comparative Analysis of Responses for Q.2
Comparative Analysis of Responses for Q.3

The data in figure shows that experimenting with Clickable_image based activities during lecture sessions can reduce boredom periods by an average of 73%. In addition, the percentage of interest in the topic is higher than other metrics.

  • Intangible outcomes:
    • Interactive Learning
    • Joyful learning

The aforementioned intangible results were added to the planning and execution of the plan in accordance with expectations. Few problems encountered when conducting experiments are as follows:

  • Technical Problem
  • Joyful status measurement

